It’s Been a Bit (Life Update)
Honesty time. I’ve been MIA on social media for a while now. I’ve made and broken promises to post more. I’ve made goals to do art and fallen short of them. Mostly I’ve struggled with how open and vulnerable to be with myself and my audience. This lead to me defaulting to posting nothing but my plant babies as I’ve worked to rebuild my life.
I’ve finally come to a place where it feels appropriate to update those who have followed me for a while and an introduce myself for those who are newer. I am Lauren. I am an illustrator, wife, mother, plant addict, trinket collector, and speaker to bones. I feel intensely, dance frequently, and I’m working to find comfort in sitting honestly and vulnerably with myself.
Life has been a rollercoaster these last few years. In 2017 I left an unhealthy marriage of 6 years and moved with my daughter across the United States back to my hometown. Being a single mom and working to reestablish a sense of balance was a struggle that pushed me to my limit every single day. I worked while she slept, played with her while she was awake, and strove to make the world a safe and exciting adventure. I went to counseling, worked through some PTSD, wrestled (and still wrestle) with anxiety, and found a new normal. In 2018 I dated a man that embraced me as I am wholey. He loved the person that was let out only in small amounts into my art. He saw ME and encouraged me to thrive and flourish. In 2019 I married this wonderful man and, after a difficult pregnancy, gave birth to my second daughter.
I can honestly say that I have never been happier. Life has never been better or brighter. I have never breathed so freely.
I make no promises for posts in the future. I am slowly beginning to work on personal projects again. I’m slowly coming out of my own shell and experimenting. For now, that is enough. When I have an update I will post it but until then I appreciate your patience.